Letrs Phonics And Word-Reading Survey

The LETRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey emerges as a beacon in the realm of literacy assessment, illuminating the intricacies of phonics and word-reading skills. This survey delves into the depths of phonological awareness, phonics, word recognition, and fluency, providing educators with invaluable insights into students’ reading abilities.

Designed with precision, the LETRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey serves as a comprehensive tool, empowering educators to identify areas of strength and weakness, tailor interventions, and monitor progress. Its research-backed validity and reliability ensure confidence in the accuracy and effectiveness of the assessment.

Survey Overview: Letrs Phonics And Word-reading Survey

The LeTRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey is a comprehensive assessment tool designed to evaluate students’ phonics and word-reading skills.

The survey is intended for use with students in grades K-3 and is administered individually by a trained examiner. It consists of a series of subtests that assess various aspects of phonics and word-reading, including letter-sound knowledge, blending, segmenting, and sight word recognition.


The primary purpose of the LeTRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey is to provide educators with a detailed understanding of students’ strengths and weaknesses in phonics and word-reading.

This information can be used to inform instructional planning and intervention strategies, ensuring that students receive targeted support to develop their literacy skills.

Target Audience

The LeTRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey is designed for use with students in grades K-3.

It is particularly useful for students who are struggling with phonics and word-reading or who are at risk for reading difficulties.

Administration Procedures

The LeTRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey is administered individually by a trained examiner.

The examiner reads the instructions to the student and then administers the subtests in a standardized manner. The examiner records the student’s responses on a scoring sheet, which is then used to generate a report that summarizes the student’s performance.

Key Components

Letrs phonics and word-reading survey

The Letters Phonics and Word-Reading Survey comprises several key components that assess different aspects of phonics and word-reading skills.

These components include sections on:

  • Phonological awareness
  • Phonics
  • Word recognition
  • Fluency

Phonological Awareness

The phonological awareness section evaluates a child’s ability to identify and manipulate the sounds in words.

This section may include tasks such as:

  • Identifying the beginning, middle, and ending sounds in words
  • Blending and segmenting sounds to form words
  • Manipulating sounds to create new words


The phonics section assesses a child’s ability to decode words by applying phonics rules.

This section may include tasks such as:

  • Identifying the sounds represented by different letters and letter combinations
  • Decoding words using phonics rules
  • Spelling words using phonics rules

Word Recognition

The word recognition section assesses a child’s ability to recognize words quickly and accurately.

This section may include tasks such as:

  • Reading words aloud
  • Matching words to pictures
  • Identifying words in context

Fluency, Letrs phonics and word-reading survey

The fluency section assesses a child’s ability to read smoothly and expressively.

This section may include tasks such as:

  • Reading aloud with appropriate speed, accuracy, and expression
  • Answering comprehension questions about what was read
  • Retelling a story that was read

Scoring and Interpretation

Letrs phonics and word-reading survey

The scoring of the Letters Phonics and Word-Reading Survey involves several steps to convert raw scores into meaningful data.

Scoring Procedures

Each item on the survey is scored as either correct or incorrect. Raw scores are calculated by summing the number of correct responses for each section (letter recognition, letter sounds, blending, and word reading).

Interpreting Results

The raw scores are then converted into percentile ranks or standard scores, which allow for comparison to normative data. Percentile ranks indicate the percentage of individuals in a reference group who scored below a particular score, while standard scores indicate the number of standard deviations above or below the mean.

By comparing an individual’s scores to the normative data, educators can identify areas of strength and weakness. High scores indicate proficiency in the assessed skills, while low scores suggest areas where additional support or intervention may be needed.

Identifying Areas of Strength and Weakness

The survey results can be used to identify specific areas where an individual may need additional support or intervention. For example, a low score in the letter recognition section may indicate that the individual needs additional practice with letter identification.

By targeting specific areas of weakness, educators can provide targeted instruction and support to help individuals improve their literacy skills.

Applications in Educational Settings

The LeTRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey can be a valuable tool for educators in a variety of educational settings. By providing detailed information about students’ phonological awareness, letter knowledge, and word-reading skills, the survey can help teachers to:

  • Identify students who are struggling with specific aspects of literacy development.
  • Design targeted interventions to address students’ individual needs.
  • Monitor student progress over time and make adjustments to instruction as needed.

Identifying Students with Literacy Difficulties

The LeTRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey can be used to identify students who are struggling with specific aspects of literacy development. The survey can help to identify students who are at risk for reading difficulties, as well as students who are already experiencing difficulties.

By identifying students who are struggling, teachers can provide them with the support they need to succeed.

Designing Targeted Interventions

The results of the LeTRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey can be used to design targeted interventions to address students’ individual needs. The survey can help teachers to identify the specific areas in which students need additional support. This information can then be used to develop individualized intervention plans that are tailored to each student’s needs.

Monitoring Student Progress

The LeTRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey can be used to monitor student progress over time. By administering the survey at regular intervals, teachers can track students’ progress and make adjustments to instruction as needed. This information can help teachers to ensure that students are making adequate progress and that they are on track to meet their reading goals.

Research and Validity

Letrs phonics and word-reading survey

The LTRS survey has been extensively validated and has demonstrated high levels of reliability and validity.

The survey has been used in numerous research studies to investigate phonics and word-reading development. These studies have found that the survey is a valid and reliable measure of phonics and word-reading skills.


  • The survey has been shown to be a valid measure of phonics and word-reading skills. This means that the survey is able to accurately measure the skills that it is designed to measure.
  • The survey has been shown to be a reliable measure of phonics and word-reading skills. This means that the survey is able to produce consistent results when it is administered to the same group of students on multiple occasions.


  • The survey has been shown to be a reliable measure of phonics and word-reading skills. This means that the survey is able to produce consistent results when it is administered to the same group of students on multiple occasions.

  • The survey has been shown to have a high level of internal consistency. This means that the items on the survey are all measuring the same construct.
  • The survey has been shown to have a high level of test-retest reliability. This means that the survey is able to produce consistent results when it is administered to the same group of students on two different occasions.

Answers to Common Questions

What is the purpose of the LETRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey?

The LETRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey assesses students’ phonics and word-reading skills to identify areas of strength and weakness, inform instructional practices, and monitor progress.

Who is the target audience for the LETRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey?

The survey is designed for use with students in grades K-12 who are developing their phonics and word-reading skills.

How is the LETRS Phonics and Word-Reading Survey administered?

The survey can be administered individually or in groups and typically takes 30-45 minutes to complete.